Are you...
- Confused how to practically live out your faith at work?
- Bored and feel like you aren't progressing?
- Stuck and unsure where God is leading you?
- Lonely and looking for others who have a passion for God?
- Lost and unsure God's calling for your life?
- Discouraged at the state of the world?
Then The Kingdom Builders Network is For You
We connect and mobilize Canadian Christians from all generations so they make tangible progress and impact, bringing God's Kingdom to earth here in Canada.
How we Do It
We connect and mobilize Christians through:
Challenges- getting practical by bringing people together to take simple actions daily to build the Kingdom
- e.g. a 5 day challenge to build God's Kingdom in your workplace
Causes- for mobilizing large numbers of people to address a significant need in their community or take part in a specific initiative
- e.g. mobilizing Christians to sign a petition
Content- we provide content that is easily digestible and can be consumed on the go so you can learn and apply on the fly!
- e.g. a virtual Kingdom daily devotional
Conferences- many amazing events happen across Canada every week that many people aren't aware of, we are raising awareness of Kingdom events happening across our country
- e.g. you can upload your event, or view upcoming events near you
Communities (coming soon) - finding people with similar passions/callings/experiences or from the same region so you can learn from one another and take action together
- e.g. a community for YWAM alumni, or people from the city of Prince George
Coaching (something we are thinking about for the future) - setting up masterminds and group coaching so Kingdom practitioners can help others implement Kingdom principles in their sphere of influence
The Results You'll Get
- You will make progress
- You will learn and grow
- You will discover other like-minded people
- You will be encouraged that God is moving in the world today
When You Join Today
When you join Kingdom Builders Network today, you’ll get access to our:
Kingdom-Minded Community: We aren't about building silos and looking for our differences. We are all about the King and His Kingdom.
Practical Challenges: We create challenges that help you put your faith into action, and help you learn Kingdom Principles in the process.
Early-Stage Development: We are in the early stages of developing this network and you will get to speak into its future development (feedback is welcomed!)